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Revistas femininas e o ideal de felicidade conjugal (1945-1964)


Revistas femininas. Felicidade conjugal. Comportamento

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BASSANEZI, Carla. Revistas femininas e o ideal de felicidade conjugal (1945-1964). Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 1, p. 112–148, 2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 fev. 2025.



The ideal of “Conjugal Happiness” - social/y and historical/y constructed - implies certain expectations, practices and power relationships, social norms, roles of behavior, images (“the good housewife”, “the good husband”, “harmony in the home”). This essay focuses on changing and unchanging conceptions of “conjugal happiness” during the period 1945-1964, based on the study of two Brazilian women’s magazines Jornal das Moças and Claudia. Besides reproducing and reinforcing the social/y dominant gender relationships and representations, the women’s magazines participate in the construction of these relations and images through a dialogue with their time. The magazines are also places where the hierarchical relations of gender are found. And, at some moments, allow reformulations of the meanings attributed to gender in the society.



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