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Lady Frazer and her husband
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Sir James G. Frazer (1854-1941)
Lady James G. Frazer (1855-1941)
History of Anthropology.

How to Cite

SOBRAL, Luis Felipe. Lady Frazer and her husband: gender and anomaly in the history of anthropology. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 54, p. e185406, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


Two points stand out from the reading of Antropólogas & Antropologia, by Mariza Corrêa: first, the importance of gender as a category for reconsidering the history of anthropology; second, the methodological capacity of anomaly to illuminate the contradictions of the normative system to which it refers. These points outline ongoing research devoted to the study of the anomalous position occupied by Scottish anthropologist Sir James G. Frazer in the epistemology of anthropology, which is simultaneously denied by this discipline and embraced by literature, and also to the circulation of his work in France, where his wife, Lady Frazer, played a central role. Thus, the article seeks to show the enormous potential of Antropólogas & Antropologia to stimulate new researches.

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