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Pancake sentences do not have definite articles in brazilian portuguese
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Pancake sentences
Brazilian portuguese
Definite article

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DE CONTO, Luana; CARVALHO, Janayna Maria da Rocha. Pancake sentences do not have definite articles in brazilian portuguese . Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 64, n. 00, p. e022013, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v64i00.8665010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


In this paper, we discuss an aspect of nominals in the subject position in pancake sentences in Brazilian Portuguese. Descriptively, pancake sentences have two main characteristics in Portuguese: (i) a noun in the subject position which is smaller than a full DP is interpreted as a situation; (ii) the predicate does not agree with the subject. This can be exemplified by the sentence Panqueca é bom (i.e. Pancake-fem is good-masc). Recent studies on this subject (SIQUEIRA, 2017, SIQUEIRA, SIBALDO & SEDRINS, 2020) argue that a further characteristic should be added to the description of pancake sentences in this language: that a nominal in the subject position allows for a determiner, e.g. A panqueca é bom (i.e. The-fem pancake-fem is good-masc). We show that sentences like A panqueca é bom are actually a case of verbal ellipsis. These sentences are only grammatical when they have an antecedent in a previous clause; they are impossible in out-of-the-blue contexts. By contrast, pancake sentences are possible in a context where only a pragmatic antecedent is present. Thus, pancake sentences contain deep anaphors in their syntactic structure. When the two sentence types, with and without a definite determiner, are inspected in light of the dichotomy between deep and superficial anaphor, it becomes clear that Panqueca é bom has a fundamentally different syntactic structure from A panqueca é bom. We show that only the former is a real pancake sentence.
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