Acupuncture a connection with the sacred and the sacred in therapeutic practice
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Therapeutic practice

How to Cite

Rodrigues, K. M. (2015). Acupuncture a connection with the sacred and the sacred in therapeutic practice: materiality and reflections. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 17(22), 156–166.


In this work we present reflections on therapeutic practices, especially on calls with acupuncture recommended by an Eastern entity in Umbanda center in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. Through an ethnographic experience in the House of the Father Joaquim comes reflections on how these therapies and integrative practices can relate to religion, how this process occurs and how its practitioners realize this integration. Acupuncture and religion, here in the center are completed and why they recommend that you do, but I do without needles, only with the fingers, explains the saint's mother. Such therapy is used, it would be a way to work every part of the human being, uniting their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects and thus giving a greater opportunity to cure for the asker. Ritual aspects of materiality and health-related concepts are relevant observable points and discussion.
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