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Vol. 32 No. 1 (2023): jan./abr. [77]
jan./abr. [77]


Pollyanna Paganoto Moura, Rodrigo Franklin
A contribution to the critique to capital in the twenty-first century
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Diego Angelico, Giuliano Contento de Oliveira
From liberalizing reforms to post-global financial crisis times: how the IMF changed its view on capital account liberalization and capital controls
Luiz Fernando de Paula, Paulo Saraiva
Coronavirus pandemic and the resumption of unconventional monetary policies in the US: some considerations in light of the 2007-08 financial crisis
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Jefferson Souza Fraga, Marco Flávio da Cunha Resende
nfrastructure, expectations, and investment: empirical evidences to the Latin America
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Rodrigo Mendes Gandra, Helder Queiroz Pinto Júnior
Model applied to the investment decision-making processes in the exploration and production sector of the oil and gas industry in an environment of risks and uncertainties
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Federico Dulcich
Potential impacts of the Mercosur-EU agreement on the automotive value chains in Brazil and Argentina
Caroline Miranda Alves de Souza, Lia Hasenclever, Julia Paranhos
The role of competition in determining the prices of generic drugs in Brazil
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Grazielli Olimpia Viviani Pedroso da Silva, Rosangela Maria Pontili, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo Staduto
Education returns to graduated workers in Southern Brazil: do social and economic characteristics of the municipalities matter?
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Polliany Aparecida de Carvalho, Valentina Viego
Evolution of female employment in the brazilian labor market: uma análise shift-share entre 2003 e 2018
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Miriã de Sousa Lucas, Cássia Kely Favoretto, Kézia de Lucas Bondezan
Impact of adult obesity in the Brazilian labor market: an analysis of the differences between men and women
PDF (Português (Brasil))