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Machinations with archives
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Machinatory method

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ARAUJO, Róger Albernaz de; SANTOS, Tamires Guedes dos; MOTTA, Guilherme Costa da. Machinations with archives: whays, means and rhythms. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 00, p. e023055 , 2023. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v25i00.8667319. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.


The present article articulates the machinatory method of research and also concepts of archive and  of Abstract Machine, to create a diagram of the machinatory concept. It makes use of two researches that, through their paths have produced two files, even if one is made out of the collection of many others. In this case, the machinatory method of research tenses a policy of inventing-creation-inventions of perspectives that are consistent-immanent with archives. A double tension and something that passes: Sometimes a symptomatologic critic tenses the archive indexes, touching the symptom- subjects and producing archiving that updates the research text archives; sometimes a machinatory clinic tenses an invention-creation in relation to the archiving indexes, touching on the subjects and gesturing archivings; sometimes suspension points and QR codes chase indexes for the invention of points of communication between the paths laid-out in the research text archives and the courses of a writer-reader to come, potentially. A writer-reader tenses a mean, inventing courses and creating other ways; Entering at any point, delineating lines, producing ordinate, repeatedly, in between fabulatory machinations, that segment and make new archives more flexible. What happens? An abstract machine. A writing-reading machine that, in function-matter relation produces a point of machination, a fabulatory trace and a line that marks the machinatory concept, which goes through the means, inventing courses and creating new paths through the rhythmic need of composition of a diagrammed perspectivism; that potentialize the update of singular contents and expressions, substantiated and formalized in a new file.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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