Metatheoretical overlap of space in Kant, Leibniz, and Newton
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Incongruent counterparts

How to Cite

Seneda, M. C. (2023). Metatheoretical overlap of space in Kant, Leibniz, and Newton. Kant E-Prints, 17(3), 56–78.


The present text is based on the assumption that the radical irreducibility of aesthetics to logical representations is on the threshold of the research program of Kant announced as a transcendental philosophy. Making use of Newton da Costa, we will attempt to show, first, the boundary conditions that demarcated this discussion, and the way in which Leibniz and Newton interpreted them and constructed their respective theories. After that, we will attempt to indicate that at the origin of this discovery of Kant, a singular cognitive fact plays a relevant role, the incongruent counterparts, without which the solution could not have been found in the way it was. Our aim, therefore, will be to show the determinations that allowed different metatheoretical interpretations of the same cognitive fact: the conception of space. Nevertheless, our main interest will not be to validate one of these conceptions (that of Kant, or of Leibniz, or of Newton) in face of the others, as if in a disjunctive judgment, but rather examine these theories based on their overlap, valuing the methodological path among the alleged foundations of a cognitive proposal and the problems it claims to resolve.
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