Notes on the young Kant, his distinction between the domains of application and some of his scientific sources
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Living forces

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Farhat, P. (2023). Notes on the young Kant, his distinction between the domains of application and some of his scientific sources. Kant E-Prints, 17(3), 95–112.


Seeking sources for the study of the historical relationship between Kant and the natural sciences, we will examine the initial relevance for him of the debate between two important figures in eighteenth-century philosophy and sciences: J.-J. d’O. de Mairan and Madame du Châtelet. Dealing with an aspect of the general thesis of Kant’s first writing, Thoughts on the true estimation of living forces (1747) and the way those authors impacted on it, we will then discuss the debate between them about the living forces, locating them conceptually and historically in this dispute. In this way, we intend to show that Kant was rehearsing here a first version of a movement that would become characteristic of him, fundamental to the elaboration of critical philosophy.
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