Similitudes and differences between the philosophies of Kant and Cassirer
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Amaral, L. A. D. (2023). Similitudes and differences between the philosophies of Kant and Cassirer: observations on the method and the Faktum of science. Kant E-Prints, 17(3), 113–123.


In this article we will seek to expose and discuss the points of contact and distance between the philosophies of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945). To fulfill this purpose, we will start the exposition dealing with the similarities, showing the meaning of the “Kantianism” present in Cassirer’s thought. In a next step, we will treat from the perspective of highlighting the dissonant features between the authors, emphasizing the methodological distinction and the way in which each one of them considers the science of their time. We will finish the article considering the role and importance assumed by the Kantian matrix present in Cassirer’s epistemology.
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