De Newton a Maxwell (Un aporte a la comprensión del proyecto cassireriano de una filosofía de las formas simbólicas)


Philosophy of symbolic forms

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Ariel González Porta, M. (2011). De Newton a Maxwell (Un aporte a la comprensión del proyecto cassireriano de una filosofía de las formas simbólicas). Kant E-Prints, 5(2), 44–65. Recuperado de


In the Cassirerian bibliography, it is usual to understand his philosophy of simbolic formas as a “broadening” of the critical (Kant or Neokantian) philosophy to a “philosophy of culture”. This understanding, however, is inadequate. The “philosophy of symbolic forms” has its historical and systematic origin in a reflection upon the situation of science in the second half of the 19th century. It is the new Faktum of science that which makes transcendental philosophy, from Cassirer’s point of view, adopt a new approach to the problem of objectivity.


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