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Technological opportunities for adobe bricks produced with aquatic macrophytes for Palmas [Tocantins], Brazil
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Technological innovation
Adobe bricks
Aquatic macrophytes
Civil construction
Regional development

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Pereira, N. de C., & Bezerra, M. do C. de L. (2012). Technological opportunities for adobe bricks produced with aquatic macrophytes for Palmas [Tocantins], Brazil. Labor E Engenho, 6(3), 41–51.


Technological innovation is the successful introduction of technological change in the society. The productive chain of Civil Construction industry plays an important role in the economy and in social development. However, beyond causing negative impact in the environment, the main product of its chain is resulted of a complex production process which involves a great number of agents, making it difficult any technological change in the process. The adobe produced with aquatic plants is a new technology, gotten from a traditional material. This work presents the ideas and results of a thesis, which was intended to analyze the variable of influence on technological innovation process in the city of Palmas [state of Tocantins], Brazil, and verify the competitive advantages of the introduction of the adobe produced with aquatic macrophytes in Civil Construction. Politician/normative, strategical and operational dimensions necessary to the technological insertion had been evaluated, concluding to be the positive the conditions for the process.
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