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Quasi-fideism and sceptical fideism


Keptical fideism
Religious belief

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PRITCHARD, Duncan. Quasi-fideism and sceptical fideism. Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Campinas, SP, v. 44, n. 4, p. 3–30, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 set. 2024.


My interest is in the relationship between the contemporary account of the epistemology of religious belief, known as quasi-fideism, and the sceptical fideism that has been so important, historically, in motivating fideistic ideas. I argue that we can profitably construe quasi-fideism along sceptical fideist lines, in that it is a proposal that is naturally understood as both arising within the context of a sceptical investigation and as exhibiting core features that it shares with Pyrrhonian scepticism. Moreover, I suggest that sceptical fideism, properly rendered, is inclined towards the kind of restricted fideism that is essential to quasi-fideism



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