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Framing effects on foreign policy: experimental evidence from emerging countries and the Argentine-Brazilian rivalry


Framing effects. Survey experiment. Foreign policy. Argentina. Brazil.

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MOURON, Fernando. Framing effects on foreign policy: experimental evidence from emerging countries and the Argentine-Brazilian rivalry. Opinião Pública, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 1, p. 195–218, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 set. 2024.


Civil society plays an increasingly important role in the formulation of foreign policy in emerging countries. This article investigates whether public opinion is sensitive to framing effects regarding foreign policy. Data from a survey experiment with a sample of 1,530 students at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda, we find that participants are sensitive to framing effects on foreign affairs. The interviewees changed their preferences when stimulated by information regarding Brazilian economic growth and military expenditure in comparison with Argentina. In turn, this effect was more pronounced among a) people who tend to stay less informed regarding foreign affairs and b) individuals who are more nationalistic.



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