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The development in marketing and its convergence towards the paradigms of information science
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Information science
Scienctific paradigm

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SANTOS, Jovenilda Freitas dos; LUBISCO, Nídia Maria Lienert. The development in marketing and its convergence towards the paradigms of information science. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 16, n. 2, p. 380–396, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v16i2.8649765. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


This research is descriptive and discusses the development of Marketing from a historical perspective and its convergence with the paradigms of Information Science, known as physical, cognitive and social paradigms. Firstly, within the physical paradigm, the birth of both areas of knowledge is related, which excludes the active role of the cognizance subject in all the informative and communicative process. From a cognitive view, the proximity of the areas is analyzed, from interactions and the user’s necessity of information systems, where both the systems were not concerned with understanding the user in order to adjust the service to him. The last stage of marketing resembles that of the last paradigm of Information Science, whose objective is to integrate the physical and cognitive approach, considering the social make-up of the individual to construct an ideal model which benefits all those involved in the process. It is the social paradigm advocated by Shera. The study concludes by highlighting the harmony between Marketing and Information Science from which both
areas benefit not only theoretically, but it also benefits the theories and practices of Administration and Library Science, from the common objectives to those fields of knowledge: the fulfillment of the informational necessities of the users/clients.
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