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Editorial: Time, history, health and life defense
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How to Cite

JOAZEIRO, Edna Maria Goulart. Editorial: Time, history, health and life defense. Serviço Social e Saúde, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e020014, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/sss.v19i0.8665482. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


In the year 2020, we met with a historic challenge, the emergence of a new disease, the pandemic resulting from the new coronavirus triggered a context of high uncertainty regarding the capacity of the State and health systems to respond pertinently to coping with this health problem, both in the sanitary, economic, political and social dimension of the pandemic. The combination of the structural crisis of capital and the adverse effects of the pandemic has required national states to take immediate action by governments. International health authorities and a wide range of national governments have different forms, combined with three major strategies, are they, i) recommendation or determination of isolation and social distancing; ii) the expansion of the capacity of health services to care for health services; iii) forms of economic support to citizens, families and businesses (PIRES, 2020, p. 7). And, after the development of vaccines, another strategy began to be required, the combined planning of previous strategies with the supply of vaccines to the populations concerned, making it in line with the commitment and responsibility of each national government...
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