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Analysis of the influence of reflecting surface changes on the availability of indoor daylighting to the extent of its depth
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Reflective surfaces. Isolux curve. Depth of the environments. Daylighting.

How to Cite

Laranja, A. C., Ferreira, N. S., & Alvarez, C. E. de. (2016). Analysis of the influence of reflecting surface changes on the availability of indoor daylighting to the extent of its depth. Labor E Engenho, 10(1), 31–45.


The study starts with the assumption that the availability of daylighting in the indoor environment is influenced by the characteristics of the indoor reflective surfaces. The aim is to investigate the behavior of the isolux curve of an indoor environment due to the changes in its reflective surfaces. The analysis of the environment under study is done by plotting isolux curves at specific points in the environments and determining the percentage of hours according to intervals of UDI (Useful Daylight Illuminance) in pre-established hours and days of the year. The values used to plot the isolux curve is generated through TropLux software simulations, a rectangular geometry environment with an opening facing North, in Vitória (latitude 20° 19 'S) using sky patterns recognized by the CIE (Commission Internationale L'aclairage). The results show that for Sky type 3, a change in reflection characteristics of the indoor reflecting surfaces contributed little increase in annual average indoor illuminance. In Sky type 7, a change in reflection characteristics of the reflective surfaces of the wall and floor contributes to small increases in average annual internal Illuminance at point 2 (a1.0-m opening). In Sky type 12, a change in the reflection characteristics of the reflective surfaces of ceiling, wall, and floor tiles contributes to small increases in the average annual internal illuminance of only the points closest to the opening where the reflective surfaces of the floor and ceiling make a more relevant contribution to point 3 (a1.5-m opening), and the wall has a significant contribution only at point 2 (a 1.0-m opening).
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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