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The influence of demographic and structural factors on the meanings of work among Brazilians
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Meanings of work
Influence factors
World Values Survey

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SATUF, Cibele; NEVES, Jorge Alexandre Barbosa. The influence of demographic and structural factors on the meanings of work among Brazilians: evidence from the world values survey. Opinião Pública, Campinas, SP, v. 27, n. 2, p. 476–508, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Work underwent transformations that changed the values and determinants of their meanings, putting its centrality in check. This research investigates the meanings of work among Brazilians, as well as the influence of demographic and structural elements on this attribution. The meanings of work refer to individual interpretation, influenced by the social context, about work and what it represents. World Values Survey Brazilian’s sample was used. The influence of socioeconomic and structural characteristics was analyzed via structural equation modeling. The model was well adjusted, having a coefficient of determination of .951. Descriptive results indicated high valuation of work and strong perception of it as a social obligation. The SEM results indicated that men attribute higher meaning to work compared to women and that increasing age influences the attribution of meaning to work. Activities with creativity, intellectuality and independence have indirect (via NSE) and negative influence on the perception of work meanings. Analyzes prioritized the articulation between social and economic aspects with the process of meaning of work, a perspective little explored in the Brazilian’s scientific production, but fundamental for a broader understanding of the phenomenon, especially in stratified societies such as Brazil.

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