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Image and contestation
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Collective action
Protest events
Media framing
Visual analysis

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SILVA, Camila Farias da; FERNANDES, Eduardo Georjão. Image and contestation: emotional regimes in the media framing of protest events. Opinião Pública, Campinas, SP, v. 29, n. 1, p. 69–101, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Through the study of published images, the present work analyzes how emotions are incorporated into mass media framing of protest events. By coordinating interpretive framing and emotion theories, we built a visual analysis model based on the identification of the dominant frames and keying processes in three dimensions: photographic techniques, interactions, and emotions. The model was used to analyze the newspaper Zero Hora’s coverage of the June 20, 2013 protest in Porto Alegre. The results indicate that the periodical incorporates ambivalent emotional regimes. On the one hand, it associates protesting with symbols of grandiosity, patriotism, and festivity, which tend to be related to moral emotions (e.g., pride) and affective commitment or loyalties (e.g., trust); on the other hand, “violent” tactics are associated with danger/risk and linked to reflex emotions (e.g., fear) and moral emotions (e.g., indignation). The model proved to be efficient and can be replicated in future studies.

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