A autora dessa carta imaginária, Annette Devereux, é uma personagem fictícia, bem como seu marido, Victor, tipógrafo Cartista, e M. e Mme.Ducrocq. Todos os outros personagens mencionados, no entanto, são figuras históricas e a informação sobre eles é apresentada, na ordem em que aparecem, no final da carta. O argumento e as demandas feitas, os eventos políticos descritos, as revistas e a Falange Fourierista em Wisconsin são todas baseadas na realidade histórica.
The author of this imaginary letter, Annette Devereux, is a fictional character, along with her husband, Victor, the Chartist typographer and M. e Mme. Ducrocq. However, all the others characters mentioned are historical figures and infomation about them is provided in the order in which they appear at the end of the letter. The arguments and demands presented, the political events described, the journals and the Fourierist Phalanx at Wisconsin are all based on historical reality.
Key-words: Feminism, Socialism, Communist Manifest, Phalanx
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KERBER, Linda K. e DE HART, Jane Sherron. (eds.) Women’s America, New York, Oxford University Press, 1995.
MARX, Karl e ENGELS, Frederick. Collected Works, vol.3, Londres, 1975.
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OTTO, Louise. Program, Frauen-Zeitung, Ein Organ die hoheren weiblichen Interessen, nº 1 (21 de abril de 1849). In: BELL, Susan Groag e OFFEN, Karen M. (eds.) Women, the Family and Freedom: The Debate in Documents. Vol. 1: 1750-1880, Stanford, California, 1983.
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