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Bodies, genders and subjectivities in dispute
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LOPES, Paulo Victor Leite. Bodies, genders and subjectivities in dispute: reflections on a violent event in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 55, p. e195520, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Beginning with a violent situation involving a young gay male couple and some residents and drug dealers from favelas in the Complexo da Maré region, this article examines the relationship between violence and subjectivity, having as a horizon of reflection the debate over different ways of producing bodies and genders. By incorporating W. Benjamin’s (2013) invitation to conduct a “critique of violence”, this social phenomenon will be considered from its positive aspect – as a performance act that produces bodies, moralities and genders in that context. Bodies, moralities, genders as well as violence itself are comprehended based on their (re)elaboration through the narrative context.

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