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Digitizing care
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Hacker ethic
Ethics of care
Digital divide

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NATANSOHN, Graciela; REIS, Josemira. Digitizing care: women and new codingsfor hacker ethics. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 59, p. e205905, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Based on a mapping of actions by feminist groups to enhance digital security, called "digital care", we analyze strategies that arise in response to algorithmic opacities and injustices, the lack of diversity in technological spaces and growing gender-based violence in digital environments. We discuss an aspect of this hacktivism (by those who call themselves hackfeminists), that of digital care, considering the perspective of the feminist ethics of care (Gilligan, 2013; Hirata and Debert, 2016), comparing this with the principles of hacker ethics (Levy, 1994; Himanen, 2001).

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