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Unless it‟s scandalous, i‟m not interested
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Plastic surgery

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ROHDEN, Fabíola; SILVA, Jéssica Brandt da. Unless it‟s scandalous, i‟m not interested: the visibility of corporal transformations and the production of femininities through plastic surgery. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 59, p. e205914, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This paper analyses public discourses produced by women about aesthetic surgical interventions intended to improve their bodies. The paper uses posts on a very active and popular Facebook group, and a few complementary interviews. An important element in this framework is the distinction between more or less “natural” or “dramatic” results. The following themes are emphasized as being the main areas of discussion: enhancement and body transformations via biomedical resources; the use of silicone breast prostheses; redefinitions of natural versus “dramatic”; and, the impact of gender norms.

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