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Ôrí and the voices and the look of the diaspora
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Documentary Ôrí, documenta
Raquel Gerber
Beatriz Nascimento
Black woman

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ALEXANDRE SOBRINHO, Gilberto. Ôrí and the voices and the look of the diaspora : cartography of political emotions. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 60, p. e206002, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


Analysis of the documentary Ôrí (Raquel Gerber, 1989). Developed over 11 years, between 1977 and 1988, the film takes the point of view of the black intellectual and militant Beatriz Nascimento, an inaugural presence within the scope of Brazilian documentary, which narrates from her ideas and intertwines these with events related to the black social movements in Brazil. The study contextualizes the making of the film and approaches it from two directions: through the meanings of Beatriz Nascimento's voice and her conceptual performance, centred on the ideas of transmigration and quilombo; and from the notion of cartographic montage, which compresses the long duration of the experience of making the film and gives a strong feeling of the relationship between the notion of place and blackness.

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