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Mujeres creando
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Performance art
Feminist performance
Mujeres creando

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OLIVEIRA, Alessandro José. Mujeres creando: feminist activists and the art inhabiting the contradictory. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 60, p. e206009, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


This article discusses the creative street activities of the feminist group Mujeres Creando , from Bolivia, in order to approach the art of feminist performance. With reference to the problematisation of language as developed by various feminist theorists, the article articulates the notion of ‘inhabiting the contradictory' to think about the presence of women in this artistic language. The text is divided into three parts. First, it focuses on the refusal of Mujeres Creando to define their expressive street activities as performance art and it questions their artistic participation in some art galleries. Secondly it reflects on the female body in performative action and the dilemma that inscribes it simultaneously in the space of protest and desire. Thirdly, it discusses the controversies surrounding the work “Espaço para Abortar” presented by the group at the 31st Bienal de Arte in São Paulo.

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