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The dual production of bodies
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Daily life
Domestic work

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PIEROBON, Camila. The dual production of bodies: aging, lllness and care in the daily life of a family. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, SP, n. 64, p. e226401, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


December 2018 marked 5 years that Leonor had been taking care of her elderly, blind, deaf, toothless mother, who also had cancer in one of her kidneys and advanced Alzheimer’s. Dona Carmen’s aging was absorbed to the daily life, body and mind of her daughter and caregiver Leonor, who developed a genital prolapse, tendinitis and depression due to the work of care combined with domestic work. In this text I present how the relationship of care between mother and daughter, elderly woman, and caregiver, overlap in daily life and produce strength and vulnerability. By describing the life of these women, I show the process of co-production of bodies through the duality of aging and illness in connection with a heterogeneous set of illnesses that accumulate with the passage of years. I also analyze the co-production of bodies in relation to broader social processes and temporalities.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Camila Pierobon


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