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Institutionalists and post-keynesians
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CONCEIÇÃO, Octavio A. C.; GABRIANI, Carlos Roberto. Institutionalists and post-keynesians: essay on uncertainty in modern financial capitalist economies. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 1, p. 1–23, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Keynes's ideas on the monetary economy of production is a fecund field of analysis to understand the current behavior of modern financial capitalist economies, as a result of the confluence between institutionalist and postKeynesian theoretical approaches. In this theoretical amalgam, the concept of uncertainty assumes a central role, making it possible to analyze more accurately the eminent unstable nature of the current stage of development of such economies. In the institutionalist aspect, uncertainty results from the natural and co-evolutionary process of economic and social institutions and their relations with individuals (“process of circular causation”), while in the post-Keynesian conception, uncertainty generates imprecision in decision-making, which make it difficult to predict the future behavior of the economy. For Minsky, this implies the imperative of coordinated interventions by the state and by society in order to create institutions capable of mitigating the trajectory of the economic system.

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