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An investigation of the drivers of the intensity of the interaction between small and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises and universities and public research institutes
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Small and medium-sized enterprises
University-industry interaction
Intensity of the interaction
Drivers of the interaction

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OLIVEIRA, Vanessa Parreiras; GARCIA, Renato. An investigation of the drivers of the intensity of the interaction between small and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises and universities and public research institutes. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 32, n. 2, p. 383–407, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This work aims to investigate the drivers of the intensity of the interaction between small and medium-sized (SMEs) Brazilian enterprises and universities and public research institutes. Data from the Directory of Research Groups in Brazil in the areas of Engineering and Agricultural Sciences and the Annual Report of Social Information were used to estimate four econometric models that explore the drivers related to the structural and behavioural characteristics of the interactive companies, their relationships with research groups, and the science, technology, and innovation policy. The results show that the size, previous experience in collaboration, and absorptive capacity, which reflect the company’s capabilities and internal resources to cooperate, in addition to access to public funding, are factors that influence the intensity of the interaction of SMEs. Furthermore, it is possible to identify the specificities of the drivers of the intensity of the interaction when these companies are separated by size ranges.

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