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Spatial analysis of the relationship between financing and industrial specialization by technological intensity in Brazil
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Liquidity preference

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SMOLSKI, Felipe Micail da Silva; FOCHEZATTO, Adelar. Spatial analysis of the relationship between financing and industrial specialization by technological intensity in Brazil. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 32, n. 3, p. 576–612, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


The Brazilian financial system showed systematic increases in the amount of free and earmarked credit after 2001, but few studies relate credit and industry distribution in the territory. This article aims to verify the spatial impacts of the availability of credit on the specialization of Brazilian microregions in the industry sector. The locational quotient of employment relationships in industry by technological intensity was used as an indicator of industrial specialization, between 2006 and 2019, with Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (AEDE) and spatial econometrics techniques. The results indicate the existence of spatial autocorrelation in locational quotient of industrials’ links, with spatial clusters mainly in the Southeast and South regions, there are significant impacts of the banks’ liquidity preference and BNDES credit on the industrial specialization of microregions, in activities of low and medium technological intensity and; activity of high technological intensity showed a worsening in the spatial distribution.

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