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Algorithmic management and algorithmic discipline
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Digital platforms
Algorithms and work
Qualified employment

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OLIVEIRA, Herbert Paolo Salles de; BRITTO, Jorge Nogueira de Paiva. Algorithmic management and algorithmic discipline: an analysis focused on highly qualified employment platforms. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 32, n. 3, p. 633–668, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The article discusses management practices and algorithmic discipline in the context of digital work platforms, with a particular focus on high-skilled digital employment platforms, structured in four sections. A first section seeks to characterize, in general, the characteristics of digital work platforms. A second section specifically addresses the characteristics of highly skilled digital employment platforms, highlighting the characteristics of freelance work associated with these platforms, correlated with arguments in the literature that discuss these transformations in labor markets. A third section discusses the role of algorithmic management practices in digital work platforms. A fourth section addresses the issue of “algorithmic discipline” in digital work platforms, referring this process to the characteristics of digital work platforms with higher qualifications. A last section summarizes the main conclusions and points out the developments of this research program.

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