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Brazilian diaspora of science, technology and innovation
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Scientific Diaspora
International migration

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CARNEIRO, Ana Maria; GIMENEZ, Ana Maria Nunes; GRANJA, Cintia Denise; BALBACHEVSKY, Elizabeth; CONSONI, Flavia; ANDRETTA, Victor Fidêncio. Brazilian diaspora of science, technology and innovation: overview, self-organized initiatives and engagement policies. Ideias, Campinas, SP, v. 11, p. e020010, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/ideias.v11i0.8658500. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


Brazil is one of the countries with the highest rate of highly qualified immigrants living in the OECD region. This migration, more recently called diaspora, can have effects on the country’s development. This paper focuses on a specific part of this diaspora, the talents in the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) field in the United States and in the United Kingdom, and seeks to analyze its volume, self-organized initiatives and engagement policies of the Brazilian government. The use of the term diaspora for the migration of highly qualified individuals has evolved over time, moving from the brain drain idea to the perception of the positive effects of the insertion of talents in international knowledge networks. The materials used were: review of the specialized literature; analysis of secondary databases (mainly demographic censuses); semi-structured interviews with professionals from the Observatory of International Migration and two workshops with diasporas in the United States and United Kingdom, along with the Embassies in Washington and London, respectively. There are limitations to estimate the number of talents in the Brazilian STI diaspora, intensified by the exclusion of questions on international migration from the 2020 Census. The policies mobilized by the Brazilian government are still embryonic, still focused on mapping and on generic engagement. Mapped diaspora initiatives have a relative degree of organization, but concrete mechanisms are lacking to organize and channel this diaspora potential into policies with a “high resolution” design, articulating cooperation and engagement around specific national problems.
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