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Connections between sustainability and sustainable development with spatial demography
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Demographic and socio-spatial dynamics
Geographical space

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BERBERT, Karina; LUCIANO, Ana Cláudia dos Santos. Connections between sustainability and sustainable development with spatial demography. Ideias, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. 00, p. e021017, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/ideias.v12i00.8665094. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The integration between different knowledge fields was proposed by the Population-Environment analysis, addressed by Daniel Joseph Hogan in his research, projects, and publications. This integration was mostly based on spatial, demographic, and sociological approaches and analyses. The geographic space and demographic aspects interactions such as urban sprawl and migration are discussed in this work, according to Hogan’s contributions. In the author’s research, the relationship between demographic studies, Sustainability, and Sustainable Development concepts is analyzed with the space component. This approach is discussed in the current time, also communicating with the field of Spatial Demography. Initiatives and studies involving a well-predicted result or not of such connection of Sustainability, Sustainable Development, and geographic space are also considered. In this sense, Hogan’s studies on the themes of Sustainability and Sustainable Development also bring us the concepts of Carrying Capacity and the possibility of considering demographic studies in different scales of analysis and their respective spatial contexts. Finally, it is proposed the consideration of Sustainability and Sustainable Development as dynamic concepts, depending on their historical, political, social, and economic frame, as well as their geographic location. This consideration can be a path for effective policies and actions for environmental preservation, social equity, and economic efficiency.
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