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Risks and adaptation to environmental changes
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Environmental perception
Population and environment
Demographic dynamics

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MARQUES, César; SANTOS, Francine Modesto dos. Risks and adaptation to environmental changes: cases of Santos e Ilha Comprida (SP). Ideias, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. 00, p. e021008, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/ideias.v12i00.8665128. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


One of the leading articulators of Demography's contributions to understanding adaptation to environmental changes was Daniel Hogan. Throughout decades of research, the author has presented theoretical and methodological presentations that have gained centrality in understanding the relationship between population and environment in the context of emerging global environmental changes. In this article, we discuss these elements from three questions. Initially, we discussed the uses of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation from a Human Sciences perspective. In the second item, we outline some characteristics of qualitative studies to understand the concepts. Finally, we explored an interface between the conceptual and methodological perspectives in two case studies, Santos and Ilha Comprida, both in ​​the State of São Paulo's coastal area. Dialoguing with Daniel Hogan's direct and indirect contributions, the article points to the importance of dialogue between the studies of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation. Based on the case studies, we highlight the mechanisms of adaptation of different population groups to environmental changes and the role of the urbanization process as one of the key elements for understanding the risks and constraints that affect the population and the possibilities of response to environmental changes. On the scale of the place, we observe a wide diversity, both in the perception of risks and coping strategies, which affect resilience and vulnerabilities.
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