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Migration and processes of subjectivation in Sándor Márai
Imagem capa: "Retirantes" de Cândido Portinari (1944)
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Sándor Márai
Anthropology of emotions

How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Eduardo Moura. Migration and processes of subjectivation in Sándor Márai: from exile to nostalgia between biographical, political and cultural plots. Ideias, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 00, p. e023012, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/ideias.v14i00.8671911. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper analyzes the relationships between the migration experience and a grammar of emotions inscribed in specific temporalities from the exile of the Hungarian writer Sándor Márai (1900-1989). The proposal aims to examine the biographical trajectory, seeking to map the articulation between exile and nostalgia, based on cultural aspects in the context of the 20th century. The objective is, through a literature review, to explore the theoretical yield of studies focused on the way in which the biographical plot is entangled with culture, an articulation between the fields of anthropology and history.
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