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Environmental diagnosis of the soil usage and the water resources preservation of Juqueriquerê river’s watershed
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Estudos ambientais
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Pinto Neto, J. N., Moura, L. M., Fernandes, G. A., Carvalho, A. R. de, Figueiredo, M. A. de M., Faria, E. D. de, & Pons, N. A. D. (2013). Environmental diagnosis of the soil usage and the water resources preservation of Juqueriquerê river’s watershed. Labor E Engenho, 7(4), 13–20.


The management of the soil usage and the water resources protection has received more and more attention from society and environmental studies. In this perspective, geo-processing tools can help in the production of more representative diagnosis, reporting the reality of the study fields in a clearer way. This paper aims at performing a diagnosis of the soil usage as well as the state of preservation of the water resources of Juqueriquerê River’s watershed. To create the database and the final production of the maps, the following programs were used: Google Earth Plus, Global Mapper 13 e ArcGis 9.3. The analysis of the data allowed the contrast between the degradation areas which extend from the central area of the basin to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, such as many pasture areas and degraded riparian, which compromises the quality of the water resources.  Safety policies, respect of the soil usage and the proper application of environmental management plans are essential to achieve the correct use of the natural resources.
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