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The logical of territorial organization of the guaranies: conceptions of the way of beeing
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Cultural landscape. Territorial organization. Guarani.

How to Cite

Araujo de Souza, A., Victal, J., & Sabaté Bel, J. (2016). The logical of territorial organization of the guaranies: conceptions of the way of beeing. Labor E Engenho, 10(3), 249–267.


The main research objective is to demonstrate that the Guarani’s culture has an organization pattern closely linked to the territorial features. We use the concept of Cultural Landscape to recognize this logic, and we try to show how successive attempts of acculturation happen along the time, based on the intention to impose a different urban model as a means of civilization. However we want to show how the Guaranis still try to defend traces of their old organization, serving as a basis to maintain their traditions and their way of life. In this article we present the cultural patterns of their settlements, based mainly in the narratives of the Jesuits, comparing them with the Portuguese legislation of 1755, which starts a settlement system and requires the formation of cities as the unique alternative to the territorial native organization.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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