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Sustainable tourism as a strategy for the preservation of the cultural landscape in Caparaó’s region
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sustanaible tourism
cultural heritage

How to Cite

Silveira, A. V. da, & Morelato, A. da S. (2011). Sustainable tourism as a strategy for the preservation of the cultural landscape in Caparaó’s region. Labor E Engenho, 5(2), 110–126.


Gleaming tourism as one of the fastest growing economic activities in the world market and recognizing the importance of promoting the preservation of heritage and cultural landscape, this paper aims to discuss the importance of tourism as a strategy to preserve the region Caparao Capixaba. So at first be submitted to the region Caparao the Espirito Santo and its historical heritage, then we will address the concept of sustainable tourism, as well as its relationship to preservation. Later will be shown the influence of this tool in fostering the preservation of historical and cultural landscape. Expected to create an interesting discussion with a view that cultural tourism, among othergoals, serves to broaden and diversify the knowledge of the visitor, and increase their appreciation of local culture in all aspects. Another relevant feature is its ability to generate revenue for the site visit, allowing its maintenance. However, when Tourism is not well planned, its expansion can become predatory, depleting attractive, changing landscapes and turning them into consumer goods. Under this perspective Tourism can be a strategy for preservation of historical heritage.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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