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Integration between the Industrial Heritage and Cultural Landscape in Argentina. Perspectives on permanence and ruptures
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industrial heritage
cultural landscape
natural landscape

How to Cite

Amarilla, L. O. (2011). Integration between the Industrial Heritage and Cultural Landscape in Argentina. Perspectives on permanence and ruptures. Labor E Engenho, 5(1), 13–42.


The industry of the man who developed technology to combine nature in cultural landscapes in each region acquired diverse characteristics, presenting particular images with which each person is recognized and identified. Argentina, within the concert of Latin America, is one of those regions in regard to the nature, industry and both cultures. Only man in history, the construction of new paradigms and new knowledge generate changes in the cultural landscape and the industrial heritage in the world, and Argentina is no stranger to this. The progress of development projects thus becomes a matter of debate as inescapable merit attention, as these projects may raise respect for this heritage, and the break and even the dismantling of the testimonies of the past. This paper focuses precisely on this issue. Of a synthetic overview of some examples of permanence without interventions, stays with maintenance, and the stays with changes that lead to drastic transformation with the loss that this entails.
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