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Vista Alegre, porcelain factory: a case on sustainable architecture
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Vista Alegre
constructed utopia
industrial cities

How to Cite

Campolargo, M. C., & Fonseca, M. T. S. D. (2011). Vista Alegre, porcelain factory: a case on sustainable architecture. Labor E Engenho, 5(1), 62–85.


This work studies the industrial complex of Vista Alegre, created in 1824, in Ilhavo (Portugal), seeking to indentify the theoretical and practical reasons which inspired its creation. For a better understanding of the general principles that underline and contextualize José Ferreira Pinto Basto´s project, a study about the 19th century industrial cities and utopias was elaborated. However, to interpret the choicesof the founder, it is necessary to understand the national context at that time and the characteristics of the site. The evolution of the urban complex is associated to the creation of a social model. Periods of expansion correspond to a systematic renovation and modernization of the space. An effort was made to understand the structuring of the constructions by streets and some conclusions are presented in this paper. The impact that these deployments have on the population and how they affect social relations was also analyzed. In the adopted model, everything was planned; nevertheless, the people ended up feeling adapted in such a way that it seemed spontaneous. This factory complex appears as an autonomous and sustainable space. It promotes balance and connection between the buildings and surroundings as well as the individual's relationship with society. Perhaps the most relevant partof this exercise is related to the attempt to complete the analysis of theoretical models with an assessment of how they behave when implemented in a concrete space. We aim to identify the characteristics that made the model work and the disturbing elements of an achieved balance.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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