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The System of Mountain Refuges in National Park Nahuel Huapi: contributions to sustainable development of Bariloche [Argentina]
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How to Cite

Skavarca, V., Perucci, L., & Córdoba, V. (2010). The System of Mountain Refuges in National Park Nahuel Huapi: contributions to sustainable development of Bariloche [Argentina]. Labor E Engenho, 4(4), 25–45.


The Nahuel Huapi National Park, located at the northwest of the Andean Patagonia in Argentina, has a Mountain Refuge System composed of natural and cultural heritage assets, of heritage and landscape value. Analyzed as regards the socio-territorial identity, to reflect on its value as a cultural asset, it sets out a series of actions for citizen participation in its value as a local heritage in common and as a tourism resource for the generation of an ethical commitment to promote a balanced management. In order to make recommendations for use as a resource for local development, it examines the economic profile of the city and the statements of Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Tourism Charter. Under the current framework, we analyze the endogenous factors and encourages the implementation of a Management Plan, -to be considered in a Territorial Local Development Plan- which embraces the appropriation of this heritage and to provide environmental transfer tools through education and architecture, pondering its dissemination to all users of information. This particular system and the Circuit of the Four Shelters, is promoted as a living model of transfer of good practices in sustainable tourism and local development factor, considering the mechanism to rationally manage natural capital and the local heritage, to so that the community can continue to benefit from the goods and services of this ecosystem in a rational and enduring way
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