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Proposed Methodology for urban planning of municipalities
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Human Development
urban planning
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Costa Junior, H. (2010). Proposed Methodology for urban planning of municipalities. Labor E Engenho, 4(4), 106–120.


Considering that 75% of Brazilian municipalities have less than 20,000 inhabitants, the obligation of the Master Plan (DP) as established by City Statute, in Article 41, in relation to municipalities members of the Metropolitan Region (RM) should be revised. This article focuses on the city of Agudos do Sul, belonging to the Region Metropolitan Curitiba (RMC) and with a population of approximately 8,000 inhabitants, thus failing to fit the dictates of paragraph1, Article 182 of the Federal Constitution (FC). We adopted a method proposed a Reference range (ER), based on deficit Human Development Index (HDI) of the United Nations to Development – UNDP / Institute of Applied Economic Research – IPEA and the Paraná Institute of Economic and Social Development – IPARDES. This scale might indicate, through the areas of social indicators Income, Education and Longevity and the indexes that compose them, the infrastructure needed to improve the quality of life in municipalities and the results obtained where it is considered in their analysis political and administrative environments of the city, analyzing it with the level maximum and minimum of certain environments, should be taken to knowledge of the urban planner to be considered in the PD the municipality.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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