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Use of construction waste in the removal of Hydrogen Sulfide


Alkaline system
Wastewater treatment

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Meira, L. H. R., & Calheiros, H. C. (2013). Use of construction waste in the removal of Hydrogen Sulfide. Labor E Engenho, 7(4), 47–56.


The human being has been using the biodegradation principle into the effluent sewage treatment in order to achieve the standards of quality required for the release of effluent in the water bodies’ receivers. However, under anaerobic conditions, there is the formation of gaseous compounds such as carbon dioxide and methane, the damage happens when the effluent contains sulfur compounds, resulting in the formation of sulfide hydrogen, toxic gas, offensive and corrosive odor, requiring treatment. This paper presents an overview of the use of the construction waste, which should receive special attention in the management of solid waste, the removal of this gas, presenting a potential field of study, given the high rates and low efficiency obtained cost of implementation and operation.


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