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Record and re-value of the productive landscape of the Rosario city metropolitan area [Santa Fe, Argentina]: the case of Oeste Santafesino Railway
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Productive landscape
Heritage resources

How to Cite

Rainero, C. (2012). Record and re-value of the productive landscape of the Rosario city metropolitan area [Santa Fe, Argentina]: the case of Oeste Santafesino Railway. Labor E Engenho, 6(1), 27–48.


This paper is based on the advances obtained throughout the investigation of the various landmarks of the agricultural production, within the framework of the research grant program promoted by the Santa Fe’s Province State Secretary of Science and Technology. The production structure has been a major factor in shaping the province’s territory. Numerous are the marks that arise from the production structure and are addressed in this paper: primary production establishments, agribusiness, transport systems and port infrastructure. The previous have managed to make this region one of the most vigorous of the country. The study of the named landmarks is addressed from a systemic perspective introduced by the cultural landscapes. In this framework it is possible to recognize layer of elements thatprovide identity to the metropolitan area of Rosario city. The investigation reveals the presence of singular elements in the territory which turn out to be milestones in the contemporary landscape and denote the presence of cultural scenery. The major feature of the cultural landscape lies in the joint of the rural environment (related to agricultural activities) and the mobility scenery. The railway was the development engine of the region, particularly in the case presented by this study. The analysis performed in a first attempt to set the boundaries of the study’s area, detected subunits of heritage interest that have, afterwards, been surveyed and recorded. New analysis and inventory parameters are formulated in order to contemplate both its patrimonial condition and its potential as cultural resources, becoming a starting point for future local developments projects.
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