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Interferences from route width at the daylight indoors availability
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route width
energetic efficiency.

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Laranja, A. C., Gazzaneo, L. M. C., & Cabús, R. C. (2009). Interferences from route width at the daylight indoors availability. Labor E Engenho, 3(1), 55–69.


The current research examines the daylight indoors. The goal is to analyze the influence of routes width, on the availability of indoor daylight as a strategy for reducing energy consumption and improve the use of daylight. The analysis was developed comparing the average global illumination, output by the simulation software (TropLux), having as a parameter the UDI values. The simulation was done in an environment of rectangular geometry inserted into the urban setting of Vitoria latitude 20 ° 19 'S, using three different standards of CIE sky. The results show that the differences on the variation of width on the routes interfere on the availability of daylight indoor. It was noted that the increase on the width, in the ranges between 12 m to 18m occurs more alterations on the availability of daylight indoor, respectively 22%, 25% and 28% to the sky 3, 7 and 12. In the range of route width between 20 m and 26 m, the range is respectively of 9%, 8% and 7% to the sky 3, 7 and 12. It was also noted that the increase in the width of the route from 12 m to 26 m caused increase in the percentage of hours without necessity of artificial illumination, respectively 10% of increase in the sky 7, and 5% of increase in the sky12.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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