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The Architect Carlos Contreras and the master plan of Aguascalientes, 1948. Modern city planning and influence on urban morphology
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Master Plan
Carlos Contreras Elizondo

How to Cite

Acosta Collazo, A., & Parga Ramírez, J. C. (2015). The Architect Carlos Contreras and the master plan of Aguascalientes, 1948. Modern city planning and influence on urban morphology. Labor E Engenho, 7(1), 59–73.


This paper aims to analyze the ordering interest related to industry in the city, workers' housing needs, the impact on the phenomenon of the city shape of the moment and building complex urban morphology consistent, positive or negative, with a planning practice. The labor colonies and Industrial guild were the product of a social response to the demands of the manufacturing city in the first half of the twentieth century. Thanks to the Master Plan by architect Carlos Contreras Elizondo for the city of Aguascalientes in 1948. Also, this article seeks to address the impact of the Plan in the historic centreof Aguascalientes, which was modified over the years to meet the needs that arose.
PDF (Español (España))


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