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Use and functionality of business archives on Power Industry in Sao Paulo: the Light Co. case
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Business archives
industrial heritage
archival heritage
records’ management.

How to Cite

Vitoriano, M. C. de C. P., & Madio, T. C. C. (2015). Use and functionality of business archives on Power Industry in Sao Paulo: the Light Co. case. Labor E Engenho, 9(1), 135–143.


The paper presents an analysis of formation and dispersion conditions of electric power companies’ archives during previous nationalization and privatization processes undergone by several electricity utilities of São Paulo State over the past decades. It focuses more speciUically a case study starting with The São Paulo Tramway Light & Power Co. Ltd, a predecessor of Eletropaulo – Electricity São Paulo S/A, and reaching EMAE – Metropolitan Company of Water and Energy –, one of the companies resulting from the corporate splitting imposed by the State Privatization Program, in the 1990s. It analyzes the archives’ conservation conditions in each of the companies and their inclusion in the concept of industrial heritage of the electrical sector.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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