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Landscape and heritage in railway´s line of ‘Jujuy-La Quiaca’. A proposal for reuse for local development
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Railway heritage
Reuse of the heritage
Regional development.

How to Cite

Ferrari, M. (2012). Landscape and heritage in railway´s line of ‘Jujuy-La Quiaca’. A proposal for reuse for local development. Labor E Engenho, 6(1), 89–108.


It is Know that the permanent character of the landscape is often transformed and displayed in the changes resulting from its own dynamics. The changes experienced by the railway’s landscape in northwwest of Argentina, had a start date at the end of XIX at the time ofthe begining of the railway activities. We must recognize that it had left a deep mark on the territory producing not transformation of the landscape and a new way of ordering the introducing space also changes of a legacy as a heritage, that today before the abandonment of the railway system at the late twentieth century, is undergoing a continuous degradation because of land loss by usurpaton or dismantling of the station buildings as a result of lack of strategies to use. By virtue of the foregoing,it is the purpose of this paper to analyse the relationship between landscape features of the railway in the Quebrada of Humahuaca and the Puna, and the making of a plan model for the regional development.
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