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The Beginings of Modern Cartagena. The axis Serreta-Caridad-Gisbert, a new opening to the sea or the translation of the center
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Martínez Hidalgo, C. (2013). The Beginings of Modern Cartagena. The axis Serreta-Caridad-Gisbert, a new opening to the sea or the translation of the center. Labor E Engenho, 7(3), 27–36.


Mediterranean cities as Cartagena superpose, complement or juxtapose the historical times on their urban landscape. The opening of Gisbert's street is possibly the first innovative action to develope the ancient Cartagena, changing the way we understand the urban fact and re-defining the geographical relations within its sit. It was a project developed by the liberal politicians of the 19h Century and the physical projection of the new social class linked to the economic development in mining, industry and trade. All this was provided by the surrounding montains and its port. This paper exposes the work done on the Serreta-Caridad-Gisbert axis. This urban element is the condenser of the regional changes. Can the success of an urban action balance its territory?
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