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Retrofit of containers in civil construction
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How to Cite

Romano, L., De Paris, S. R., & Neuenfeldt Júnior, A. L. (2014). Retrofit of containers in civil construction. Labor E Engenho, 8(1), 83–92.


The solid waste reuse affects all society sectors that have committed to generate the smallest possible impact in the environment. Professionals in the construction industry, from which comes an important part of solid waste, rethink their project decisions about the use of conventional materials, evaluating on a case-by-case costs and benefits of their choices. The recycling or reuse of solid waste in building became a reality and their prudent use a necessity, a fact that enhances the role of academic research involving the subject (Carneiro; CASSA ; BRUM , 2001). Among the materials investigated thoroughly is the container, discard material that can become a problem for the public space and nature, but that is slowly gaining market share due to advantages associated with cost , speed of assembly , durability and reuse residue, or retrofit , which substantially decreases (dis) advantages that this type of architecture might suggest, many of them conditioned to merely esthetic analysis (ZOMER , 2009).
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