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The Islands and the expansion of the culture and technology from sugar cane in the Atlantic in the centuries XV to XIX
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Sugar technology
History of sugar
Sugar culture.

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Vieira, A. (2015). The Islands and the expansion of the culture and technology from sugar cane in the Atlantic in the centuries XV to XIX. Labor E Engenho, 1(1), 1–20.


In the fifteenth century, Madeira emerges as the first experience of Portuguese occupation in which they rehearsed products, techniques and institutional structures, all of them used extensively in other islands, African and American coast. Madeira archipelago was the center of irradiation of the new society and economy in the Atlantic world: Azores first, then the other islands and coastal regions where the Portuguese landed. Madeira marked the history of sugar cane, between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries. However, this culture was not maintained as a constant in the history of the island, there was a gap in the eighteenth century. The cultivation of sugar cane has expanded, becoming an important factor for the agriculture and industry in Madeira. The Island has been at the frontline of technological innovations. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, it would be reserved pioneering role in the trial of some techniques and systems for manufacturing sugar and spirit that revolutionized the entire process.
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