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Landscape conformation from the Rural Architecture viewpoint: relations between the irrigated fruit production in Jaguaribana [Ceará], and the proposals for safeguarding of the French rural heritage
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Rural architecture
Regional planning
Cultural landscape.

How to Cite

Braga, L. M. M. (2008). Landscape conformation from the Rural Architecture viewpoint: relations between the irrigated fruit production in Jaguaribana [Ceará], and the proposals for safeguarding of the French rural heritage. Labor E Engenho, 2(1), 41–51.


Enviromental imbalances lead man to try to change the context of the landscape in search of equilibrium solutions.this study aims, firstly, a comparison between the proposed solutions for the protection of rural heritage in France, and the valuation of “place of the wilderness” within Ceará state, Brazil, with the introduction of irrigated horticulture, generating a new countryside in the region of the drought. As a result of this study, we highlight the actions submitted by the respective government agents, in both cases, demonstrating the importance that should be given to the Rural Architecture as an inducer of adequate territorial ordering.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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